Blue Mountains Gazette

What are the major threats to cyber security in the 2020s?

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In our increasingly digitalised day and age, the threats to our cyber security have undoubtedly seen a massive spike in both prevalence and severity.

As such, with today's increasing number of scammers and hackers becoming more and more sophisticated with their online phishing techniques, we need to be more vigilant with our cyber security than ever.

Crucially, there are many different types of cyber security threats we need to be aware of.

Namely - phishing, hacking, and scamming techniques - which are, worryingly, increasing in commonality today. Further to this, are the many occurrences of account hijacking and data breaches, as well as what has now come to be called 'ransomware'.

Undoubtedly, these are all major sources of concern for many online users.

Importantly, with the advent of these increasing threats to our online presence, cyber security has now become a formal area of tertiary study. Indeed, gaining a higher education qualification in cyber security can secure you a lucrative, highly regarded, and very much in-demand career path as a cyber security professional.

If you're interested in learning more about cyber security, how to protect yourself from online hijacking, and even, how to attain a tertiary qualification in this topical, pressing, and fascinating field, stay with us as we discuss further.

Learning about cyber security: Formal education

As mentioned earlier, the threats to our cyber security have become so prevalent today, that this area has now even become a field of higher education study and research.

As a result, several different types of tertiary degrees and qualifications have emerged around this important area of focus. Perhaps one of the most highly-regarded of these types of qualifications is an Online Masters in Cyber Security.

As part of this degree, students cover essential foundational units which explore the fundamental concepts of cyber security threats, as well as the strategic techniques and methods which can be used to intercept, defend, and prevent these threats from happening.

Some of these units also cover learning about network security, scripting languages, ethical hacking and defence, digital forensics, and ethical principles of cyber security, for example.

The loaded and controversial subject of ethical hacking, in particular, is an area of focus that is growing exponentially in popularity and interest. But, what exactly is ethical hacking?

In simple terms, ethical hacking is the process of gaining authorised entry into a computer system or application - with permission, of course! As such, ethical hacking aims to explore and identify the methods by which professional scammers attempt to hack and compromise our cyber security.

This then assists cyber security professionals in ascertaining, identifying, and strategically developing techniques to prevent online hacking from occurring in the future. As such, cyber security hacking defence methods go hand in hand and are intrinsically linked with the concept of ethical hacking.

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The main threats to cyber security: What are they?

Importantly, there are 5 main threats to cyber security that we need to be aware of. Some of these cyber security threats include:

Phishing, hacking, and 'account hijacking'

Phishing scams are perhaps the most commonly used methods that scammers use to hack and 'hijack' online accounts. Through this scamming method, phishing techniques will often start by attacking through email, to begin with.

Of course, by gaining access to your personal email account, hackers can then access the data they require to infiltrate other websites and applications that contain your classified personal information.

For example, and perhaps most concerning (for obvious reasons), your online banking application can be then accessed by the hacker. These email hackers can also use phishing scams to obtain personal, private, or compromising information about you.

'Ransomware' and data breaches

Software attacks - often referred to as 'ransomware' - also pose a huge risk and compromise to cyber security. But what exactly is ransomware? That is to say, what does it involve?

Essentially, ransomware is the process by which hackers 'take hostage' of your software to access your online data and information.

This is especially concerning for large organisations that use centrally-located and communal software to store and record all of their company information - including sensitive or classified data.

Cyber security measures: Some realistic solutions to the problem

Needless to say, cyber security threats need to be defended against at all costs.

But how to stop the hackers? One of the best ways to protect yourself and prevent hacking is to ensure that all of your online accounts and electronic devices are completely secure.

You can do this by installing two-factor authentication to protect your password login, for instance. You can also make a concerted effort to create more complex passwords, as well as use a secure password manager.

Another way to protect yourself from scammers is to regularly update your electronic devices and their software. Using an antivirus program such as TrendMicro or Norton Antivirus will also help with this.

Importantly, antivirus programs and software actively protect your online data by essentially blocking and 'quarantining' malicious code from your computer, laptop, smartphone, or other electronic device.

Cyber security today is, unfortunately, being massively compromised by online scammers, phishers, and hackers. Most concerning, these hackers are developing more and more sophisticated scamming techniques.

As such, you must develop measures to prevent yourself from becoming prey to these scams. Protect your devices with secure passwords and two-factor authentication, and update your devices and software with antivirus programs.

If you have an interest in defending cyber security further, you could even pursue a higher education qualification in cyber security.

Importantly, not only will you be on a valiant mission to protect online data from scammers and hackers, but you will also secure a highly regarded professional career. Indeed, cyber security professionals are extremely in demand today, as a result of the increased threats discussed here.

So, if you choose to become a cyber security professional, you can aspire to a lucrative, well-respected and fascinating job that truly makes a difference to our online safety and security.